Saturday, November 16, 2013

Blind Shaft response

Blind Shaft (dir. LI Yang)
Please respond to the film Blind Shaft AFTER reading the Li Yang Interview from Speaking in Images on Blackboard. Read the optional interview from Senses of Cinema to aid your thinking and reflection.

What is the most memorable scene for you? How would you compare this film with previous films we dealt with in this class? Due Monday November 18 by 8 pm. Comments to two other responses due Monday by 10 pm.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Beijing Bicycle response

A still from Beijing Bicycle (dir. Wang Xiaoshuai)
Please respond to the film Beijing Bicycle and the Wang Xiaoshuai interview by Monday November 11th at 8 pm. Wang Xiaoshuai is one of the most interesting figures among the "Sixth Generation," and Beijing Bicycle is among his most celebrated films. Pay attention to the relationship between the city and the countryside as portrayed in the film, a film about two teenage boys' love stories with a bicycle. Write two concise paragraphs: one responding to the film (such as analyzing your favorite scene, discussing the symbolism of the bicycle, etc.); the other responding to the Wang Xiaoshuai interview, "Banned in China." Comments to two other responses due by Monday November 11th at 10 pm.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

In the Mood for Love response

Film still from In the Mood for Love (dir. Wong Kar-wai, Hong Kong, 2000)  

Which elements of the film are repeated to emphasize a point or a perception?
 Is there a pattern of striking camera movement, perhaps long shots, long takes, or slow motions? What point is such camera movement making? 

Which sequence(s), according to you, is (are) the most important in this film? 

How does the film make you feel at the end? Happy? Depressed? Confused? And why?

Address two of the above questions in two well-written paragraphs with supporting evidence from
“The Cinema of Wong Kar-wai, A ‘Writing Game’”

Cite any sources you quote or paraphrase. Due Monday November 4 by 8 pm. Comments to two other responses due the same day by 10 pm.