Saturday, October 26, 2013

Millennium Mambo response

Millennium Mambo, dir. Hou Hsiao Hsien, 2001


Please read Michael Berry's interview with Hou and Zhu before posting your response to Millennium Mambo. Use insights from the reading to help frame your response. Always cite sources (English or Chinese) with page numbers from readings and minutes from films when you are quoting or paraphrasing others. Due Monday October 28 by 8 pm. Read others' responses carefully and your comments to two other responses are due Monday October 28 by 10 pm. Your "talking points" about readings assigned for each class are due at the beginning of classes as usual. Enjoy reading and writing!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Comrades, Almost a Love Story response

Pleas read the Peter Chan interview from Speaking in Images before writing your response to the film. Use specific evidence (with page numbers) from the interview to support your specific film analysis.
Read Rey Chow’s “By Way of Mass Commodities: Love in Comrades, Almost a Love Story” from Sentimental Fabulations before coming to class on Thursday.
Screenings on Thursday at 5 pm in CB336 (alternative location CB331) and Friday at 1 pm in CB 333: Millennium Mambo (Qianxi manbo, 2001, dir. HOU Hsiao-hsien/Hou Xiaoxian, 119 min.)
As usual, your film/reading response will be due on Monday by 8 pm on our class blog. Your comments to two other responses will be due on Monday by 10 pm. Your one "talking point" from each reading with your name and date will be due at the beginning of each class.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

East Drink Man Woman response (extra credit)

Eat Drink Man Woman, dir. Ang LEE, 1994
As your midterm paper will be due on Monday October 14 by 8 pm under "Midterm Paper" (post the title of and a link to your paper from your own blog) and your comments to two other papers (as a reply to the link) will be due on Monday October 14 by 10 pm, you are not required to also post film and reading responses here by the same deadline.

I am making this post available as an extra credit opportunity, as the film and its director for the coming week are too good to be missing out from our online discussion! You can certainly focus on this week's film for your midterm paper and combine the two tasks more effectively to receive credit for your paper and extra credit for film and reading response.

Please read the Ang LEE interview from Speaking in Images before responding to the film East Drink Man Woman. Use textual and visual evidence from the reading and the film to support your specific argument about the film. Due Monday October 14 by 10 pm for one extra credit. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Once Upon a Time in China response

Please read the Tsui Hark interview and profile under Course Content Week Seven on Blackboard before writing your response to Once Upon a Time in China. Use specific evidence with page numbers from the readings to support your response to the film. Film response due Monday October 7 by 8 pm, you do not have to comment on other responses this week. Use the Sample Essays reading from A Short Guide to Writing about Film to help you brainstorming for your midterm paper update (due under "Midterm Paper Updates" on this blog by Monday October 7 by 10 pm).